Prudêncio’s project is approved by the National Innovation Agency
Prudêncio received in November 2020 the approval of its application to SIFIDE, a tax incentive system for research and development, for the project “Development of a Fiber Cement Encapsulation System”.
Find out everything in the article below about this Tax Incentive System and how the solution presented by Prudêncio responds to the imposed challenges in an innovative way.
What is SIFIDE?
SIFIDE (Sistema de Incentivos Fiscais à I&D Empresarial) is a fiscal instrument that allows supporting the research and development effort made by companies, recovering a significant part of the costs related to these activities.
This support is presented as a tax credit and supports any company that is subject to Corporate Income Tax (CIT), allowing for the recovery of up to 82.5% of the investment made.
Created in 1997, SIFIDE was designed to encourage the participation of the business sector in the global research and development effort, and it has been through several revisions. In 2021 SIFIDE II came into force with the introduction of some changes to the legislation, making it even more attractive to companies. Since then, it has contributed significantly to a decisive increase in the innovative development effort by Portuguese companies.
Among the main eligible expenses are the costs of hiring qualified human resources, operating costs, patent registration and maintenance costs, and auditing costs.
This fiscal instrument, managed by the National Innovation Agency, has approved 13892 applications and supported 3780 companies since 2006. Undoubtedly, it was and continues to be an essential factor for the competitiveness and growth of many companies, fostering innovation in Portugal.
Please watch the following video to learn about the access requirements and deadlines associated with this system, as well as the associated benefits and eligible expenses.
Prudêncio’s Project was approved
In 2020, Prudêncio applied for an innovative and challenging project that promises to solve several problems related to fiber cement.
In November 2020, the application for the Incentive for the Project “Development of Fiber Cement Encapsulation System” was approved by the National Innovation Agency. This funding represented another vote of confidence and the confirmation that the encapsulation system for fiber cement proposed by Prudêncio is the best for the environment, public health, and efficiency in reconstruction.
This approval is a validation of the increasing quality of the services we have been developing. Prudêncio’s encapsulation method transforms a potentially dangerous roof into a sustainable system. It employs quality materials of extreme longevity, avoiding the risks associated with asbestos cement removal, transport, and disposal through careful and thorough execution without releasing asbestos dust during these operations. In addition, it is an ecological solution as a result of Koster’s membrane, which transforms potentially dangerous roofing into an environmentally friendly system, and by allowing asbestos cement roofing to be renewed without producing waste, not burdening landfills with the huge amount of this material that exists in Portugal. In 2008 there were about 6 billion m2 of asbestos cement roofing preventing long-term environmental consequences.
For Prudêncio, it is a great satisfaction to be supported by a rigorous and excellent Incentive System and to be, once again, recognized as a pioneer in the development of solutions that combine innovative strategies with solutions that promote environmental sustainability.
Invest in innovation
Our solution ensures that fiber cement is completely involved and protected from the causes that lead to its degradation and avoids the risks inherent to its removal. It also guarantees unparalleled efficiency in terms of waterproofing and thermal insulation of the roofs.
Contact us for more detailed information and to verify if the typology and dimension of your project fit our scope of services.