Meet Visitas, Prudêncio’s new mobile application

Determined to use, in our processes, innovative and technologically advanced solutions, in 2018 we started the development of an application that would optimize the collection and recording of data necessary for budgeting, during the first visit to the work.


With the precious support of an excellent external consultant, we started by placing in a PDF, with more than 200 pages, all fields, windows, and buttons, with explanatory notes for each one, in a realistic format, using images on a smartphone scale.


The application’s scheme


The purpose was to facilitate the following work for computer programmers, enabling, in the first phase, the development of a value proposition for the development of the application with little margin for error and, in a second phase, the construction of the application itself in the most efficient way possible.

Even so, there was a place for discussions, withdrawals, setbacks, and various proposals for improvement and optimization along the way. The path was completed in February 2020, with the birth of the application, which today is already part of our customs.


How does “Visitas” works?

With “Visitas”, we collect data from the client, the building, the work. This way, we allow the work to be subdivided into several parts, with information in each one, as well as about all its details: accessories, equipment, among others. The application also allows the association of photographs to each of the fields, the placement of the GPS location, the choice of the main and alternative solution, and the collection of information on the complementary systems that make up our waterproofing and insulation solutions.


Some of the application’s pages


Since the application is linked to our management program (which was the target of improvement and strong investment during 2018), it allows us to use all the information contained therein and once the visit to the site in the application is finished, it allows the responsible for budgeting to prepare the proposal in real-time, while the commercial technician says goodbye to the client.

At the moment, the commercialization of the application is being considered.


The importance of budgeting in companies

The budget is one of the main pillars regarding the planning of construction. Sometimes there are unforeseen events, extra costs, and even delays in completing the work. This can happen precisely because of the lack of planning and budgeting. The budget includes factors such as the availability and values ​​of the main resources, whether human, material, or equipment.


Prudêncio’s work – Water reservatory at Rocha Brava Village Resort – Carvoeiro, Algarve


Budgeting includes several advantages, such as:

  • Bigger control over the work;
  • Easier project planning;
  • Reduction of unforeseen costs;
  • Use of history to carry out other works;
  • Growth of the company’s credibility in the market.


All of these benefits depend on how accurate the budget is. Thus, in all phases of a construction project, technological solutions allow the agile circulation of the updated and available information in real-time. When there is greater control over the entire process, unforeseen events are avoided, and costs are reduced.


At Prudêncio, we are concerned with innovation, and the presentation of technologically evolved solutions. Contact us for a quote request.


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